Saturday, January 07, 2006

Boxer + Doberman = Boxerman ?

I love dogs, specially Boxers. I have owned quite a few over the years, was a breeder for a while, until lack of time forced me to give up this hobby. But I have never seen a smarter dog than this one. His name is "Sparky" and is half Boxer, half Doberman.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Tsali said...

Sparky has classic Boxerman conformation - deep chest with heavily muscled front-quarters, long legs and a flat massive head. My males are a little boxier in the snout but they all have that strong triangular jaw line, somewhere between a Pit Bulls and a German Shepherds.

The intelligence, ease of training and eagerness to please are the real stand-out traits with Boxermens. They have all of the focus, cleverness and protective instincts of the Doberman breed. But they also carry the Boxer's life-long devotion to play and fun, and ability to quickly distinguish visiting friends and guests from potential intruders.
Every Boxerman owner I have corresponded with speaks about the cross's intellegence and friendly accepting nature. But if anyone who is not properly introduced walks into the home un-announced or approaches their enclosure, its "Hounds of the Baskervilles" time.
For more on Boxermans, please visit our website at

At 10:40 AM, Blogger louissnider said...

i have a boxerman, where do i get another one, mine is 11 now, best dog i ever had


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